12 Jun

Telegram has recently become one of the best online ways to make money. It is possible to come across users who make a lot of money using only Telegram channel.
Telegram, which is one of the top 3 applications that comes to mind when it comes to instant messaging, is used more and more with the increase of privacy concerns. The Russian-based application continues to attract new users by making serious commitments to privacy. Telegram usage is increasing rapidly in our country and most of the users continue to use the application actively to earn money.

According to the latest data, 700,000 new users join Telegram every month, making it one of the fastest growing instant messaging apps worldwide.
People around the world create communities (channels and groups) on Telegram and earn big online. If you are planning to be one of them: We have 8 super ideas!

1. AdvertisingIf you own one of the major Telegram channels, one of the most effective ways to make money is by selling ads directly. There is a serious traffic flow from Telegram, and it is possible to find many advertisers advertising for Telegram. Even a channel with 10 thousand subscribers can receive advertisements of 2-3 thousand liras per month.
In order to find advertisements, you can send an e-mail to websites that broadcast in parallel with your channel, or you can register with advertising sites.

2. Creating a Premium PartitionEspecially in Telegram channels that contribute significantly, subscription fees can be charged from users. Basically, this process reaches in 2 parts. Usually a Premium content is available from the dedicated channel, where extra content is available for subscription paying users.
For example, if you provide great investment ideas: you can create a premium section for additional ideas.

3. Receiving DonationsIt is a recommended method for Telegram channels with content creators. Believe me, this method saves more money than many other methods. If people care about your channel and you, they will be willing to donate. You can regularize the subscription through a Patreon-style platform.
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4. Product and Service SalesYou can easily sell anything you can think of on Telegram. Most of the time it's important that it's relevant to your channel, but if not, it wouldn't hurt to try.
For example, you can create an online course or e-book and offer it for sale. After getting positive testimonials from a few vendors, your sales can increase dramatically.

5. Selling Third Party Products and ServicesThis method is very similar to the previous model. In this model, however, you sell products and services to third parties to subscribers.
For example, by logging into the Dropshipping business, you can take action to sell products owned by others. Recommended if you can't develop a product or service of your own that can sell.

6. Paid MessagesWhile it's almost a similar idea to selling ads, it's usually created by ad requests from members on the Telegram channel. You can also often get paid messaging services from other Telegram channels. Many channel owners buy paid messages to grow their Telegram channel.

7. Link ShorteningYou can monetize your Telegram channel through link shortening sites. Subscribe to one of the Short Link Monetization Sites and share interesting links on your Telegram channel after shortening them through these sites. You earn money as you click on the shortened link on Link Shorten Money Earning Sites. Especially find the content that members of your channel can click on and take care to link the relevant content.
If you can find really interesting content, you can get close to a hundred thousand clicks on the link. Never take this idea lightly when it comes to making money with Telegram. You can earn thousands of liras through a single link.

8. Bot SystemOne of the most used reasons for Telegram in recent years is Telegram Bots. Thanks to Telegram bots, which are very common around the world, regular income can be obtained. Telegram bots usually send you a message at certain times of the day, and as you click on the link in this message, you will earn income from any cryptocurrency.
For example, you activate a Telegram bot and the bot sends you 4-5 advertisement messages during the day. You click on the link in the relevant message and you will be directed to a website. After spending a few seconds on the website, you get a very small amount of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Zechcash cryptocurrencies. However, we clearly do not recommend this system, because if you use the bots for months, your income will not be more than a few Turkish Liras. It is usually none other than the big channel owners who make money from bots and the bot creator.


To monetize Telegram, you will need a Telegram channel with a large number of members. Of course, in this sector where you will face very serious competition, you have to make an effort to find a large number of members. Here are some of the tactics that can work for you to grow your channel:

1. Share with your friends
You can share your channel with your friends. Instead of starting from scratch, starting with 50-100 people will motivate you more.
2. Deliver Quality Content
The main issue you need to focus on in order to gain followers-likes-members on all social media platforms is to provide quality content. The longer you provide what people are looking for, the more members you will get.

3. Share on Your Other Social Media Accounts
The main focus of the channel owners, who managed to attract members to the Telegram channel, is the other social media platform.




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